
Wythenshawe Golf Club

Introducing You To The Golf Hub.


If you are looking for leading edge / styate of the art software you ave come to the right place.

This is a training example for my Digital Champion project.

This website belongs to Alan Bramwell - it is an example of Hybrid Systems Design, Where the use of free web services provide significant web content.

My protopage example for The Golf Hub is a good example of what can be done with the Protopage CRM solution.

This site cost just a few pounds and took 1/2 hour to build - a great example of just how easy it is to develop your on-line presence - Hundreds of CRM pages for just a few punds has to be great value - plus you have total control and no on-going costs.

As part of a standard for golf club design I think that the Romiley Flyover is essential to the build.

The Golf Hub

Part of the BramIT SSNA Hybrid Web Strategy.

HGC .co.uk Site

Houldsworth Golf Club was my first club. I have fond memories of it. Their new .co.uk site is quite comprehensive and is a good effort.

Project Nimrod

Houldsworth Golf Club was my first club - a fantastic / friendly club of Honest Golfers and personalities. A great place to start playing golf......t.